Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Finding Books on Your Independent Reading Level

Thank you for coming to parent-teacher conferences last week!  It was such a treat to meet with each one of you and to celebrate your children.  Below is one good tool from the report card, that I didn't get to share with everyone, about finding books for your children on their independent reading levels.

The comments section of each student's report card included a lexile independent reading range.  Over the next year, lexile scores will replace the current alphabetic leveling system (L, M, N, O, etc.) because they are more accurate.  A good research-based leveling system has an important purpose: to match readers with text, so they can practice the fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills they need to improve on.  (The students should also know how to use the informal “5-finger rule” to choose books on their reading levels.)  Here is how to use the lexile score on your child's report card:

1.  Click on "Read & Write with Ease" on the class blog.
2.  Scroll down to this icon to find the lexile website.

3. Enter the lexile range and click submit.
4. Select interests and click submit.
5. Scroll down to browse the books on that level.  Google preview is available for you to read the first several pages of many books.
6. If you'd like to find and reserve a book from the public library, the link is on the blog directly below the icon.
7.  You can also look up books you already own to see how close they are to the independent reading range.

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