Monday, February 6, 2012

Valentine's Day Party and February Current Events Coming Up!

Dear Parents,
We'll be holding our class Valentine's Day party next Tuesday, February 14th.  Students should decorate a box, or other container that fits easily on top of their desks, and bring it to school on that day.  If they choose to give valentines to class members, they should be sure to include every student.  Click here for a class list of names.  Our party will begin at 1:50 p.m. and students will be able to pass out their valentines during that time.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our room parent, Tyler Kettle.  Know that all parents are always welcome at our holiday parties:)

Current Events begin this week!  For the last two current events, students printed articles off at school and brought them home.  This month, they are encouraged to use the blog websites or other appropriate resources to find current events at home.  They should choose events they can understand and explain and that have made a difference for good.  They are also encouraged to write complete and thoughtful questions and responses on their current event papers.   Student responses to the articles are really more important than the articles themselves, since they show the depth of the student's comprehension and personal application.

Thank you and have a great week!

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